商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德



The project is located in Shangqiu Model New District, adjacent to Riyue Lake Scenic Area, with both commercial and trade features of the old city and leisure and ecological needs, and a superior geographical environment. Among the urban tower communities, we ponder how to break through the present and create high-end residences that lead the future?

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


A private island surrounded by lakes is used as a carrier to create a three-dimensional landscape living theater. At the same time, three relationships are carefully considered and reorganized, the relationship between entrance and space, the relationship between people and landscape, and the relationship between the landscape in front of the community and the urban interface, focusing on spiritual solace while paying attention to material civilization.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


White walls and pine shadows, pine waves asking for visitors, white scrolls unfold slowly, visitors are free to travel through them and feel the beauty of the mood of pine waves. Pine, transforming everything into the beauty of inaction the oriental zen is reflected in each other among the modern architecture.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


The cascading water on the front side and the falling water on both sides of the scenic wall inject a touch of spirituality into the quiet space.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


The regular and delicate plunging water, falling freely from the outlet, the delicate and smooth state of plunging water, the sound of trickling water, brings exquisite and soft beauty to the landscape and expresses the tension of three-dimensional landscape space.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


A huge yacht is docked on the water surface, reflecting with the Sun Moon Lake. The design of the gate is extracted and simplified from the shape of the yacht, extracting the unique sense of flow and line form, extending to both sides, and combining the language of the gate with the architecture with the layers of lines of the building.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


It contains the rhythm and rhythm of curves, which seems to be “flowing art”. The smooth flowing glass façade eliminates the oppressive feeling of urban interface and gives the site a high degree of art.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


The black and gray wave square breaks the dullness of pure white on the façade, like the waves, as if flowing naturally, echoing the design language of the yacht gate.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


The landscape architecture is unified with pure white color to create a minimalist atmosphere. The white mud guest stone walls on both sides maintain the original texture and rocky texture, contrasting with the smooth curves of the building facade.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


With the building as the main body and the waves spreading outward, the floor tiles present a visual effect like flowing waves. In order to achieve the perfect combination of lines, butt joints are crucial in the paving process, and each stone is custom-polished according to the position where it is placed.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


Ancient pine is one of the iconic plants of the Sands community landscape. After reorganizing the space of One Sands, the design team repeatedly deliberated on the shape and location of 19 ancient pine trees, which are staggered to restore the natural rhythm of traditional writing and modern architecture.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


As the fire passage of the later large area, the fire door is crucial to create the relationship during the pre-display. Under the model repeatedly pushed, not only to ensure the fire code, but also the overall design language unified, forming a one-stop momentum. In the production, the aluminum plate finely carved door weighing 2,000 pounds was selected to overcome many difficulties in order to present a better design effect.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德


In the secret forest, modern materials and technology are used to create a simple three-dimensional landscape living theater by abandoning complex mechanisms and decorations, so that returning home becomes a “Mori Island vacation”.

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德

商丘金沙壹号院 景观设计 / 山水比德



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广州 荔湾新天地 建筑设计 / 汉森伯盛
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上海%莘荟社区商业中心 建筑设计 / 水石设计
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