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1、出国留学毕业证明模板篇一:留学证书资料模板 仅供本科生出国留学参考: 以下模板为本科毕业生的毕业证书和学位证书,大家对应下载后可以修改各自证书中相关的个人信息(红色斜体部分)。 要求:一张A4大小的纸,上半页为证书的复印件,下半页为英文翻译。字的大小可以调整一下,落款处校长名字及日期一定要与证书上的校长名字和颁发日期一致。 (毕业证书) Certificate of Graduation Name:Sex:Birthday: Period of Schooling : from 2000 to2004 Major: 专业 Department(or School): 院(系) Certific

2、ate No: 证书编号(学校编号)Issue Date :发证日期 This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation. President: 校长名字(此处写 证书上的校长姓名) Nankai University (学位证书) Certificate of Bachelors Degree Name:Sex:Birthday: Per

3、iod of Schooling : from 2000 to2004 Major: 专业 Department(or School): 院(系) Bachelors Degree : LAW Certificate No: 证书编号Issue Date :发证日期 This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation. Having pas

4、sed the examination in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the Peoples Republic of China, the student is awarded the degree. 名字(此处写证书上的姓名)Chairman of the Committee of Academic DegreesNankai University 以下为各类证书的英文翻译模板,大家对应下载后可以修改各自证书中相关的个人信息及获奖情况(红色斜体部

5、分)。 证书翻译件格式要求:中英文放在一张A4纸上,即:上半页为证书的复印件,下半页为英文翻译。字的大小可以调整一下,落款日期一定要与证书上的颁发日期一致。 一、优秀毕业论文证书 1学校优秀毕业论文证书(模版1) CERTIFICATE OF HONOR This is to certify that Mr. 姓名, a graduate of 1992, having studied in 学院(系)with a specialty of 专业, has been awarded the title of Graduate with Honor in recognition of his或h

6、er excellent thesis <<论文题目 during his或her eollment in the undergraduate program. Certificate No.: 证书编号 Teaching Affairs Office Nankai University 年 月 日 2. 学校优秀毕业论文证书(模版2) CERTIFICATE OF HONOR This is to certify that Mr. 姓名, a graduate of 2006, has been awarded the title of Graduate with Honor i

7、n recognition of his或her excellent thesis <<论文题目 during his或her eollment in the undergraduate program. Certificate No.: 证书编号 Teaching Affairs Office Nankai University June 2006 二、奖学金证书 1. X等优秀学生奖学金(例:一等优秀学生奖学金) CERTIFICATE OF SCHOLARSHIP Mr. 姓名 won the First Prize of Excellent Undergraduate Sc

8、holarship in the academic year of 2004-2005. This certificate is hereby awarded to him as an encouragement. Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai UniversityDec. 2005 2. X等奖学金(例:三等奖学金) CERTIFICATE OF SCHOLARSHIP This is to certify that Mr. 姓名has got the third-grade scholarship in the academic year of 2004-200

9、5. This certificate is hereby awarded to him as an encouragement. Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai University October 2005 3. 三好学生荣誉证书 CERTIFICATE OF COMMENDATION Mr. 姓名won the title of “Three Goods Student in the academic year of 2004-2005. This certificate of commendation is hereby awarded to him as a

10、n encouragement. Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai University Nov. 2005 4. 成绩优秀单项奖 CERTIFICATE OF SCHOLARSHIP This is to certify that Mr. 姓名has got the specialized scholarship of Excelle(转载于:www.XltkWJ.Com 小 龙文档 网:出国留学毕业证明模板)nt Achievements for the 2004-2005 academic year. This certificate is hereby awar

11、ded to him as an encouragement. Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai University Dec. 2005 5. 新生优秀单项奖 CERTIFICATE OF SCHOLARSHIP This is to certify that Ms. 姓名has got the specialized scholarship of Excellent Fresher for the 2004-2005 academic year. This certificate is hereby awarded to her as an encouragemen

12、t. Certificate No.: 证书编号Nankai University Oct. 2005 6. 企业奖学金(其他专项奖学金将引号内红体部分改一下即可): CERTIFICATE OF SCHOLARSHIP This is to certify that Ms. 姓名 has got the top-grade “Guanghua Scholarship” in the year of 2004. This certificate is hereby awarded to her as an encouragement. Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai

13、University Oct. 2004 7百项工程奖学金 CERTIFICATE OF “100 PROJECTS” SCHOLARSHIP Project Name: Members of the Group: (自己本人名字可重点用黑体标出)Supervisors of the Group: This is to certify that the above project is hereby awarded the Second Prize as an excellent project in the “100 Projects” of Creative Research for th

14、e Undergraduates of Nankai University. Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai University April, 2007 三、辅修证书 MINOR COURSE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms. 姓名, a student of the 专业,学院(系) in grade 2000, minors in专业,学院(系) from September 2001 to June 2004. She has completed and passed all the required course

15、s of the minor program and is hereby awarded the Minor Course Certificate. Certificate No.: 证书编号 校长名字 President of Nankai University发证日期篇二:出国留学本科毕业证模版 Common Higher University Graduation Certificate Student LI Jieyuan, male, born on June 7, 1986, has studied the four-year undergraduate program major

16、ing in Pharmacy in our university from September 2004 to June 2008, has finished all stipulated courses with qualified scores and is qualified for graduation. . Name of the School (Official Sealed): Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Principal (Seal): YOU Zhaoling Certificate No.: 1054

17、11200805001452June 18, 2008篇三:留学用 - 毕业证书翻译样本 毕业证书翻译件范例(本科) CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATION This is to certify that , , born in , has studied in , in the school of from to and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a -year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation. President of Sichuan University Date: Certificate No: 说明: 1、填写说明: 证书编号 姓名拼音 性别 出生日期 专业方向 院系名称 入学日期 毕业日期 学制年数 校长姓名 毕业证书签发日期 2、以此格式翻译打印出后, 凭本人毕业证、学位证原件到校长办公室(行政楼3)审核,并复印在对外稿签纸上后加盖学校公章。8

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