


Although China and Africa are far apart, the friendly exchanges between the two countries have never stopped. China and Africa have established diplomatic relations for thousands of years. In recent years, bilateral relations, cultural exchanges, economic and trade cooperation and exchanges between citizens of the two countries have become closer and closer. Coupled with the recent effective prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in various countries, the demand of African countries to apply for Chinese business visas has gradually expanded.


Signing Home has nearly 15 years' experience in handling visas to China. Let me share with you: What are the precautions for African countries to apply for business visas to China? Is it easy to invite African countries to come to China for business visas now?


African countries need to meet certain conditions to apply for a business visa in China, and there are also many matters that need everyone's attention. Next, we will sort them out in detail as follows:



1. Applicants need to provide application materials as required:

Passport valid for at least 6 months, visa application form, 2-inch photo, residence certificate, original Chinese passport and visa. If you change your name, you need to prepare the official certificate of name change.


2. The application materials need to be accurate and true. Personal materials must be provided, and they have to be provided or provided less. All application materials need to be true and free from falsehood.



3. The contents of the invitation letter issued by China's domestic trade partners shall include:

The personal information of the invitee, the information of the invited visit to China, and the information of the inviting unit or inviter.


3. Applicants from African countries who hold Chinese business visas can apply for extension if their business activities in China have not been completed, but their visas have expired. If they do not apply for extension in time, it is illegal to stay in China, and they will be subject to administrative punishment.


4. To apply for extension of business visa, you need to submit a letter of proof issued by the local inviting unit or individual. If there is no record, you need to submit a registration certificate, and you can extend your stay for no more than 180 days after the renewal.


5. The purpose of the applicant's visit to China must be to conduct business activities, and it is not allowed to hold a Chinese business visa for other activities. If there are other needs, the applicant should apply for a corresponding type of visa.


Need to remind everyone that China's business visa has not been covered. There is a certain risk of visa refusal when applying for this visa. Some time ago, there was a related case. Ms. W was an African. Because she was in a hurry to apply for a business visa to China, she found an online advertising agency that made a loud noise. This agency said that it could guarantee one-time visa application without Ms. W's providing too much materials. As a result, Ms. W signed the contract. After paying the fee, she felt that the other party's handling process was unprofessional.


There are so many unqualified institutions, so don't be deceived. Finally, Ms. W found the signing house through the introduction of her friends, and was successfully signed under the guidance of the professional copywriting teacher of the signing house.


At present, China's entry and exit policies have been adjusted accordingly. Some African countries need invitations (TE) or invitations (PU) issued by relevant units in China to apply for entry to China. For specific policies, you can pay attention to the official announcements in time or consult the signing houses.


However, it is not difficult to invite African countries to China for business activities now, and the process of applying for business visas in China is relatively simple. First, the domestic trade partners in China need to issue business activity documents, invitations to trade fairs and other invitations, and then the applicants can apply for business visas at their Chinese embassies abroad.


If you have the need to apply for a Chinese business visa, you can apply at any time. Of course, if you don't know about Chinese business visas, or are still confused, you can consult the visa office. Mr. Hu has nearly five years' experience in applying for visas to China and can provide you with professional guidance at any time.

以上就是签之家为大家准备的全部内容啦,希望对您有所帮助,那关于非洲国家申请中国商务签证有哪些注意事项?邀请非洲国家来华商务签证现在好办吗? 您还有哪些疑问呢?欢迎大家积极的留言反馈哦~

That's all the contents prepared by the above-mentioned signing house for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to you. What are the precautions for African countries to apply for business visas in China? Is it easy to invite African countries to come to China for business visas now? What other questions do you have? Welcome everyone's positive comments and feedback ~

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